The value of education

The LAUDE Schools (ISP) in Spain is synonymous with educational quality and human values and have made a great commitment to the future, improving the water efficiency of their schools, and raising awareness among their students to conserve one of the vital resources of the planet.

»The payback time is less than a year, adopting sustainable social responsibility measures, while making students aware of the importance of making good use of water« IGNACIO LÓPEZ PEÑA, REGIONAL HEAD OF PROPERTY EUROPE

The 11 schools have been equipped with the Altered:Nozzle Spray, which is perfectly adapted to a school environment that requires significant savings as well as a flow of water necessary for the daily hygiene of students and teachers. The hygienic efficiency of the nozzle has been proven while maintaining service, functionality and comfort, while drastically reducing water consumption and cost.

11,441 m3 // Water Savings per Year
€22,539 // Money Savings per Year
ROI: 215 Days


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