
The company has received recognition from various organizations such as Swedish Energy Agency, Imagine H2O, Nordic Cleantech Open, Nordic Startup Awards and Norrsken Impact 100 amongst others. More recently Altered won the 2019 E-prize in the Energy Efficiency category at the 11th E.On-awards. Altered was also recognized with the Climate Saver 2018 award by the World Wildlife Foundation and is part of the Permanent Collection of Design at the Swedish National Museum.

When everything kicked off

The original Kickstarter campaign in 2016 that was spread across the globe and had +40 million views on Facebook alone. From there Altered has continuously developed new technologies that meet different user needs across the globe.

All products

Dual Flow Pro

Dual Flow Pro

107 reviews
Rs. 4,600.00


8 reviews
From Rs. 3,900.00
Orange Terracotta
On sale

Orange Terracotta

16 reviews
Rs. 1,600.00 Rs. 2,300.00
Cashmere Birch
On sale

Cashmere Birch

1 review
Rs. 1,600.00 Rs. 2,300.00


7 reviews
From Rs. 3,900.00
Altered:Tap One

Altered:Tap One

1 review
Rs. 20,500.00
Shower Handle
Sold out

Shower Handle

19 reviews
Rs. 16,700.00
Altered:Tap Two (Sensor)
Sold out

Altered:Tap Two (Sensor)

No reviews
Rs. 60,200.00