Our best Nozzle yet!
Lower price. Better functionality.
The all new Dual Flow Home Edition combines ultra saving in mist mode with an adjustable Spray mode from 1–4,5 liters/min. Giving you exactly the water you need, and saving money and water from day one.

How does it work?
Our nozzles do two things:
- We divide the water into thousands of droplets. This means you will get in contact with, and use, every single drop of water coming out of the tap.
- We increase the speed of the water up to 50 km/h to make sure it rinses efficiently.
The result is you get the same coverage, you get as wet and have the pressure you need to rinse soap or residue. Just with 98% less water.
The Nozzle will pay for itself!
€109 EUR
10 783 liter vatten
270 kWh
74 kg CO2
By reducing water use, you will also use less energy in heating the water. Depending on where you live (what you pay for water, warm water, sewage etc) you will have different savings. But savings we can guarantee!
To give you an idea we did the calculations for an average EU household.
*Calculated on water use in 1 bathroom tap for a 2 person household. Cost of water 2,85€/m3. Cost of energy 0,289€/kwh.