Customer Reviews
Do you have any requirements regarding the water pressure?
The shower requires a minimum pressure of 1,5 Bars. The recommended water pressure is from 2 Bars. The shower comes with a flow regulator that makes certain that you have the right flow rate regardless the pressure.
The shower changes modes. It doesn't stay in Monsoon Mode. Why?
The valve in our shower is designed so that the switch button stays in Monsoon mode by itself but there are a few pre-requisites for this to work. The valve requires a certain incoming pressure and flow to work as intended. If the incoming pressure or flow is too low the water won’t apply enough force to maintain the valve in Monsoon mode. The lowest recommended incoming pressure is around 1.5bars, and your outlet should give at least 9-10 LPM in unrestricted flow, i.e. no device connected. If you believe your system fulfills the above but you still have problem with the button there are a few things you can try.
1. Ensure your mixer is fully opened to allow maximum pressure into the shower handle. Maybe you are used to regulate the flow rate of your shower with the mixer but with our shower this is not necessary as the shower itself regulates the flow rate.
2. Make sure there is no flow regulating device installed in shower hose, mixer etc. It’s common to have such device installed to reduce the water flow but in this case it not needed as our shower acts as a flow regulator.
How well does the rinsing work?
Rinsing shower cream with the Dome mode works like a charm. Rinsing hair from shampoo and conditioner can also be done with Dome mode but might take a little bit longer. That is why we added the Monsoon mode which rinses even the thickest hair with ease.
What are the requirements for installation?
Our handle fits the standard shower hose and is super simple to install. You just unscrew your existing handle and replace it with Altered:Shower.Flexible hose must have a ½” female thread. (Standard sizing for US and EU)
Is there any warranty?
The Altered:Shower includes a 2 year warranty from the date of delivery. Please contact support(@) if anything comes up and we will assist you.
How do I clean/rinse the handle from limescale?
Take 50/50 of water and vinegar and let the nozzle part (not the whole handel) soak for 30 minuets and rinse with water and soft brush in the holes if necessary.
Lujo con LEss

Orange Terracotta
Hemos trabajado intensamente para averiguar qué es lo que hace que una ducha sea excelente. Se reduce a tres cosas: Cobertura, presión y calor. Nuestra tecnología Dome lo consigue de la forma más eficaz posible, utilizando la menor cantidad de agua y energía posible.
Hacemos lo contrario de las duchas tradicionales de ahorro de agua que reducen el caudal y, por tanto, la velocidad del agua. Aumentamos la velocidad del agua. Consiguiendo tanto la sensación de presión como la funcionalidad en el aclarado.

La rotación de la cúpula hace que el agua se desgarre, creando miles de grandes gotas con gran masa. Esto significa que te mojas mucho. Además, el agua se distribuye de forma aleatoria, por lo que la cobertura es total.
Las gotas se enfrían más rápidamente que un chorro de agua. Pero como el agua está conectada a través de la cúpula, el calor se transfiere de forma muy eficiente a las gotas. El resultado es una agradable ducha caliente sin necesidad de tocar el termostato.

La primera ducha de cúpula del mundo®
Con nuestra tecnología Dome® conseguimos cobertura, presión y calor de la forma más eficaz posible, utilizando la menor cantidad de agua y energía posible. Y, por supuesto, los productos tienen que tener un aspecto y un tacto excelentes.
Por eso la ducha Altered:Shower está fabricada en aluminio y acero inoxidable, lo que le da una sensación de solidez y hace que dure para siempre.