May 05, 2023
Catholic University in Rome, Italy estimates massive water, energy and CO2 savings
LUMSA (Libera Università degli Studi Maria Ss. Assunta di Roma) is a public non-state Italian university formed on Catholic principles. It is the second oldest university in Rome after Sapienza, and was founded by Luigia Tincani in 1939. Students are the lifeblood of the university. The teaching staff maintain a direct and ongoing relationship with their students, and programs are designed to deliver specific high-level technical and cultural skills. With around 7.200 students, LUMSA is not just a high profile internationally recognized academic institution, it is also a place for personal development. University life provides many opportunities for debate and participation, so the close links between humanistic tradition, technological innovation and our Catholic roots are at the very heart of the university.

Year-on-year calculations of total water use in the University have estimated savings of 4.8 million liters of water and 48,720 kWh of energy each year. The share of hot water used in bathroom taps was estimated at 20%. This results in CO2 savings of 2.436 Kg per year. Based on utility costs for the water at 2 EUR/m3 and 0.20 EUR/kWh, the direct ROI for the project was 1.6 months.
Total savings on the water and electricity bills are calculated to be EUR 37.400 each year.